
Go to Gussinje! Knight Edward Frederick
Za vas piše Zufer S. Bektesevic - Sweden
Prije bilo sta ponudim kao argument istinitog pisanja ovog advokata, novinara, vojnika – Engleza, moram Vam dati na uvid da je ovaj svjetski putopisac. Sada kad Vam dam na uvid gdje je sve ovaj putovao onda ce te sa sigurnoiscu rjeci da se radi o svjetskom putopisci. A sada cu vam dati na uvid sledece knjige koje je on pisao i sva ova mjesta – drzave posetio.
Knight, E. F. (Edward Frederick 1852-1925

· Rhodesia of today; a description of the present condition and the prospects of Matabeleland & Mashonaland
· Where three empires meet; a narrative of recent travel in Kashmir, western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining countries
· Over-sea Britain : a descriptive record of the geography, the historical, ethnological, and political development, and the economic resources of the empire
· The Harwich naval forces; their part in the great war
· South Africa after the war; a narrative of recent travel
· The cruise of the "Falcon" : a voyage to South America in a 30-ton yacht
· The Falcon on the Baltic; a coasting voyage from Hammersmith to Copehagen in a three-ton yacht.
· Letters from the Sudan.
· Turkey; the awakening of Turkey; the Turkish revolution of 1908.
· Albania: a narrative of recent travel.

Ova knjiga je ce danas biti na uvid Vama uvazeni posjetioci ove stranice i ljubitelji istine, historije, velikana Ali paše Gusinjskog i mnogi novih pojedinosti.

Pocecu od poglavlja (CHAPTER XV) Na strani 203 ( Objects of the Rebels )

Na strani 206 (Albania)

Na strani 215 pocinje To Gussinje

Na strani 217 THE VALLEY OF THE DRIN ( Bosnian Mohammedan refugees )

Na strani 218 ALBANIA ( Ali Pasha great intelligence )

Na strani 232 ALBANIA ( Sta je rekao Father John – svjestenik ? ) Tu je velicina ovog putopisca, pisat istinu i ako izjava svjestenika je: mizerna vijernik : animals – beasts – swin.

Na strani 235 MARCO MILANO (deserters Turkish army )

Na strani 238 ALBANIA

Na strani 241 A Leeter from Ali Bey ( Bosnian Mussulman, by his dress) nosnja

Na strani 243 Our Throats in Danger ( defenders of Gussinje – one Bosnian dress)

Na strani 247 NIK LEKA ( Wher the Turk puts his foot, the grass grows not )

I ovom zelenom travom zavrsavam ovaj clanak i ova je po meni dobra knjiga. Knjiga se moze procitat na internet . Ovim clankom sam samo hteo da ponudim i dokumentujem ono sto je vec poznato: Bosna, Bosanski Muslimani – BOSNJACI, Gusinje, velikan Ali Paša – visoko inteligentan.
Istina Postoji – Izmisljati se moze samo laz.

A sada Vam nudim uvazena postovani Gusinjani i Plavljani sta su strane novine tih godina pisali o Vasem kraju i Vasem velikanu tamo nekih 1880 god . Danas u tim novinama koje jos izlaze nema ni Gusinja, Plava nih nekog velikana poput našeg i vašeg: Ali paše Gusinjskog - nikad nece ni biti, zivi bili pa vidjeli.
Published: January 2, 1880
Copyright © The New York Times

Friday 4 June 1880

According to the lateBt intelligence received from Montenegro, the Albanians continue firm in their determination to resist any cession of terri- tory as agreed upon between the Porte and Montenegro. The Montenegrins havo therefore determined to ngaln take up arms and attack the Albanians at Gussinje Plava, with the view of securing by force the territory ceded tothem.
The Albanians aro straitened for want of provisions, resulting from the blockade of Scutari, their principal seaport.
Steps have been taken by the Turkish Go. vernment to surround the insurrectionary dis tricts. It ia considered probable that these circumstances may help to bring the dispute Ao an early close.

Uskoro ce biti novi clanak.
Hvala !


 Redakcija   (9. jun, 2009)  

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